Monday, April 13, 2009


就在上完Miss Koon的搞笑课之后,我、燕婷、康宁、Mango & Mika 也解决了我们之间的CONFLIT (because there was raining outside so Yean Tyng not really wish to go out with us ,but we hope that she can go , so conflit occur,but I do not know that it is come from which source of conflit la xD If u know pls tell me , thx ya ) 就这样,搭着巴士前往Low Yat 附近的Sushi King 去享受我们的晚餐。
好在不用排队就能直接进去了,因为从今天起至星期四Sushi King有每盘rm2的大促销哦。





我们五人才吃了rm70.05而已哦,哈哈,捡到便宜了,希望Sushi King天天都每盘rm2呢!

*ended up like dat lo*

** 哇佬,我很想去厕所,可是外面有蝙蝠,我不敢出去!@#$%^& **


冷氏洛 said...

i think the source is differnt goals.y leh?bcz yean tyng goal is to go bak home bcz raining mah but ur goal is to ask her go loh,hahaha,so i think is different goal lol,^^V

JuzFollowUrFeeLiNg said...

fuiyohhhh~~ Teranya!!!
Ur business organisation & Management sure get A de laRR... Gud luck to u lo!!

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