Saturday, March 26, 2011

foot print in Malacca...

Because I'm bored here .... blogging at lobby @Hotel Sunflower...I will stay overnight at Malacca today. We were heading to here from Cameron Highlands this morning and the nice weather at CH was super cool and as the contrast, here Malacca is HOT enough...!!! I felt sad to visit Malacca on weekend...due to massive jam here and lacking of car parkings, so we've ended our activities so early...I want to go the Nadeje Cafe and wish to eat the cake so badly...

Do not know this hotel will respond to the Earth hour or not later....will get myself prepared at 8.30pm lol!!!

** photos will be uploading by tomorrow....xD **

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Moved out

Because I've no longer at KL ...

I wrote out a whole long post, but it got deleted. Here I go again...Today was amazing! Because I moved out from Wangsa Maju and my house is filled with my stuffs which kept me company for 4 years. And my mum kept nagging me when I returned home >< It was nice to have my sister and her boyfriend to help me moved house, haha ~ His car was full!! Do not have any plan yet since I'm at home now but we're actually going to Cameron Highlands this coming Thursday for a family trip ^^It should be fun!! More later ya!

** Do not care, do not mind, just be myself ~ **

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Back to school



**昨晚买了泡泡染发剂,便宜+有效,今天头发有起色了,哈哈。 **

Tuesday, March 15, 2011





** Pray for whole world **

Friday, March 11, 2011

Craps craps

Because I'm sleepy...

Friday!!! I'm sad it's almost was already 17 days since the day of result was released...I'm still unemployed~~~Well, after a long difficult, stressful college life , I'm happy to say that I have a nice fun, relaxing holidays...wahaha...staying home is really a word ''nice''. I went to yumcha with jiao & qin and then all we talked was about job hunting. LOL. Seriiiously, we are job seekers nowadays. Hopefully, will have people to call me to interview tomorrow. Guess I better get to bed. Otherwise I'm going to be a zombie when I talk to the HR staff through phone. May God bless me ~~~

** We'll see how it goes! **

Wednesday, March 9, 2011



当了一个多月快两个月的无业游民了...每天迟睡迟起的生活看了的都想呕。那天,有个公司打来,我刚睡醒的声音一声就被她试破,她还说:"sorry for disturbing your sleeping time..." 我也只能说:“It's okay...”



** 我要外出!!**

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Air papan


今天是星期日,我们去AIR PAPAN位于丰盛港(Mersing)一带...前晚还很期待的睡不着。一早,我们就出发了,到达那里已经11am了。‘‘期望越大,失望也越大!’’真的!!Air papan真的很差,而且很臭!只是椰树很弯很美罢了,别无其他的了。在那里享受完毕妈咪准备的【菜豆饭】后,我们就在mersing四处走走...接着就回家咯!还是家里好!



** 明天回KL,准备搬家!**

Images by Freepik